Structure of the humanized 3D6 Fab-Aβ peptide complex.
panels show Aβ nestled in the surface of the Fab CDRs. The peptide is
shown in green sticks with the light chain in light blue surface and
heavy chain in a darker blue surface. (a) A 2Fo - Fc
electron density map in the vicinity of the peptide contoured at 1.5σ.
(b) Intra-Aβ hydrogen bonding, shown as dashed lines, stabilizes the
helical conformation of the peptide.
Different conformations of the Aβ peptide.
(a) The helical conformational epitope of Aβ recognized by Bapineuzumab highlighted in green ribbon. (b) Superposition of the main-chain heavy atoms of TFE-stabilized Aβ (residues 1 to 6) NMR structures (9) (in purple) with those of Aβ as recognized by Bapineuzumab (in green). (c), (d) Superposition over light chain of Fab-Aβ complexes with murine antibody Fabs in (c) WO2-Aβ is in orange ribbon, PFA1-Aβ in yellow and (d) Bapineuzumab related Fab in grey with Aβ in green sticks.
Aβ-Fab interactions.
The Aβ residues are
shown as green sticks. Amino acid sequences corresponding to the CDRs of
Bapineuzumab are shown in light blue and darker blue for light and
heavy chains respectively. Amino acids involved in Fab binding to Aβ are
underlined and italicized in the CDR sequences common to 3D6 antibodies
including Bapineuzumab. Direct polar contacts between the Fab and Aβ
are shown graphically as red dashed lines. Waters involved in the
hydrogen bonding network are shown as aquamarine spheres, and their
putative hydrogen bonds are shown as aquamarine dashed lines. Fab
residue labels and carbon atoms are colored by chain (shades of blue),
whereas nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur atoms are shown in dark blue, red
and yellow respectively. Surfaces represent non-polar contacts to Fab
residues. Intra-chain contacts have been omitted for clarity. Figure
produced using LigPlus